Saifullah Chowdhury

Hey, I'm

Saifullah Chowdhury

I am an entrepreneur with a profound passion for spearheading innovative businesses. My expertise centers on transforming visionary concepts into scalable, successful enterprises. With a strategic mindset and a strong technical background, I lead by fostering environments that encourage both technological advancement and market growth.

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After spending my childhood in Oman and after that in Chittagong, I stepped in the bustling city, Dhaka. My journey started in the BRAC University as a student of its Computer Science and Engineering Department where I discovered another realm of knowledge and opportunity. Amidst of the vibrant campus life and the echoes of scholarly discourse, I walked through the path of self-discovery and academic pursuit. Yet, it wasn't simply the scholastic that made BRAC a ground of learning opportunity— it was the feeling of communication that penetrated each part of university life. Whether it was bonding over late-night study sessions in the library or cheering at the intervarsity competitions, I found solace in the camaraderie of my fellows.

Meet me, Saifullah Chowdhury, a trailblazer who continuously push the boundary of technology to go forward with the realm of business as far as possible. My father provided me with a family history of entrepreneurship and a foundation of values, so I set out on a mission to make my own way in the business world. In 2018, I founded Glinttag, an ecommerce platform that aimed to revolutionize the way people shop online. Building on the achievements I had made in the past, I wanted to broaden my horizons and explore other areas where I might have a significant influence. Thus, I started Pulse Engineering Solutions (PES) and Dellly, two innovative businesses with the aim to utilize transformative technology, to push engineering boundaries with this spirit of ambition in mind. My aim is to redefine the way of business approach, customer engagement and brand experiences in the digital age. But perhaps the greatest lesson I learned during the merging of my engineering degree with the business world was the importance of embracing diversity and celebrating difference. Me

Bracu Duburi was the first tech application experience I had. As my father provided me with a family history of entrepreneurship and a foundation of values, from the experience of Bracu Duburi, I visualized the commercial aspects of the tiny engineering projects by channeling own creativity and experience. I therefore embarked on a vision to enter the business sector and work on groundbreaking initiatives by joining businesses like Accigone and Airwrk as an engineer as a way to learn about their growth methods and entrepreneurial journeys. In 2018, I created the e-commerce platform Glinttag. Redesigning the online purchasing experience was my aim. I have started an exciting journey after that! Launching Pulse Engineering Solutions (PES) and Dellly is how I show my dedication and my expertise in technology commercialization. The startup industry was rewarding and demanding, but my drive and ambition along with my readiness to accept both of its positive and negative aspects was the key. Although it is an ambitious aim, I believe that reimagining customer engagement, brand experiences, and company strategies for the digital era is necessary given how quickly technology is developing today.

Every successful entrepreneur's got a story. And mine? Well, it all began with my father. He's been walking in the business world for as long as I can remember, and his never-give-up attitude! That's something I obtained from my father. I can always hear his voice in my head, pushing me when things gets rough. However, those tough times? They're just part of the journey, the difficulties that make it all worth it in the end. My mind started to make itself prepare and gather courage for starting a company when I first heard Elon Mask saying that “Establishing a company is easy, you just need some likeminded people”. From that day I got on the field to make connection with likeminded people.

Tech titans like Elon Musk and Bill Gates are not just names in the news for me. I hold their belief in me. Their boldness to push the limits of what's possible? That's the main part. Their relentless drive to innovate? It's like a click that starts my own computer. Today, I'm driving the car of a growing empire, not just for the sake of success, but to leave a mark that lasts longer than a lifetime.